Unhealthy People

Morning Word
I know starting over can be scary. For some of us, closing unhealthy chapters with certain people can be quite of a challenge. But my question to you is, what is having peace of mind worth to you? Keeping yourself unnecessarily attached to drama is not good for you. Entertaining someone day in and day out who isn’t committed to your growth and happiness will eventually drain you. There is a whole world out there waiting for you to make beautiful memories in. Today, start taking steps towards regaining your happiness again. Start making plans to cut ties with people who aren’t helpful with guiding you towards becoming a greater human being. Sometimes the only reason why your situation hasn’t changed in a positive way is because you have not changed the negative people that you keep yourself around. IG@woodtheinspiration.


Morning Word
When you had an important job interview coming up, you prepared yourself so that you could give yourself the best possible chance at getting the job. When you had a test coming up, you prepared yourself all day and night by studying so that you could perform well when you finally took it. When you are single, the goal should be to prepare yourself as best as you can so that you can give yourself the best possible chance at succeeding in your next relationship. The problem some of us face when it comes to relationships is, we haven’t spent enough time preparing ourselves for love before being tested with someone else. We think that we can forgo the preparation process and just fall into a great relationship with someone else. Even great relationships take “work” to work. And if you haven’t taken the proper time to prepare yourself for someone great, you will mess up a good opportunity when that person is finally brought into your life. Prepare for who you prayed for.


Morning Word
As couples, everything just seems to flow better when we operate like a team. When we can make important decisions together, that’s a win for the whole household. When we can find happy mediums and compromise with each other and meet in the middle, we make being in love a lot healthier and easier. It’s not about one person getting their way all of the time. It’s not about one person making all of the decisions for everyone in the house. It’s about waking up every morning and going to bed every night stronger as a team today than you both were yesterday. That’s how you make being in love such a smooth transition. When you can give up thinking about your “wants” so that you both can sacrifice for the greater good for what you both “need” together as a couple.


Morning Word
Ladies we love it when you speak life into us. We love it when you can speak encouraging words into us because it helps us grow into becoming greater men. Your words help plant seeds of greatest inside of your man. That is one of the reasons why the right woman in the right man’s life will always carry a special kind of significance. Her love can inspire the greatest things inside of him. He can become a lot more confident. He can become a lot more focused and driven towards his dreams. He can keep himself motivated with his goals for longer periods of time just behind the goodness of her love and her words. Ladies you have an unbelievable amount of influence in your man’s life. The more you speak into us, the greater we end up becoming. IG@woodtheinspiration

Single Parents

Morning Word
Sometimes one of the greatest challenges a single parent can face is embracing a new person in their life. For single parents, their day usually begins and ends with taking care of the children. They end up adapting a role of always doing and always being worried about whatever the next thing their children may need. See when you haven’t had children, you continue living life like you always have with keeping your focus primarily on yourself. The day you have children, you change as a person and your responsibilities and priorities change with it as well. Your needs begin to take a back seat so that you can provide your children with everything you never had. And when you and the other parent split for whatever reason, you end up becoming even more busy and self reliant as a single person. You struggle with embracing new people. Thinking about your needs begin to feel so foreign to you. Sometimes out of habit, you will feel the need to push people away instead of inviting them deeper into your life. Single parents face the challenge of learning how to maintain a healthy balance in their life. It’s not that the new person isn’t a good person. Sometimes the single parent just hasn’t figured a way to balance everything in their life, including adding someone new. | @woodtheinspiration

Someone You Can Grow With

Morning Word
It’s about pouring positive things into each other. It’s about being each other’s biggest fan, biggest supporter and biggest inspiration while you both walk together in love. Too many times we all get lost in the superficials. We want people to be a certain height. We want people to make a certain amount of money and so on. If you run across someone who makes you better as a person when you are around them, that is someone worth holding on to. Everyone can’t help trigger great things inside of you and still love you like you are the only thing that matters. Find someone you can have stimulating conversations with. Someone you can learn from and grow with when you are around them. Genuine hearts and genuine people like that are rare these days.


Morning Word
The day you decide to let go of anger, life will begin to get a lot more easier. The day you decide to embrace forgiveness and really let the past remain the past, your life will truly start heading in a more positive direction. Forgiveness will reward you and bless you in ways that you never thought possible. See when you don’t forgive, you put up barriers between you and your blessings. You block your own path to having who you need and what you need out of life. Your heart has to be free of tension, resentment, bitterness and anything else that will poison your mood in a negative way. Forgive yourself and forgive other people. We only get one shot at trying to live this life the best way that we know how. Don’t block your blessings because you can’t let things go.

Be Patient With Your Heart

Morning Word
You have to remember to be patient with your heart. I know you want to be in love one day. You might even want it to happen on your own time. But for once in your life, take time for yourself and no one else. Rushing a love that isn’t meant to be, isn’t the same as having a love that will last eternally. Eternal love requires a great deal of sacrifice, patience and discipline. And your heart deserves the best, even when you are too impatient to give it that. IG@woodtheinspiration


Morning Word
Waiting is just a part of the process to being happy one day. You have to stick to your guns until you meet that one person that would make you regret not being in a relationship with them. Now it doesn’t mean that you two will have the perfect relationship because there is no such thing. You both will still have to put in the hours of learning how to gel with each other while you both learn each other’s love language but, at least you’ll have someone worth taking a chance on love with. They have to be special enough that, you wouldn’t mind sharing a piece of your peace with them. Inviting someone into your life on a deeper level is a power most people don’t understand and a privilege other people often take for granted. Start being more selective with sharing your time. Start being more selective with sharing your peace. And start being more selective with sharing your heart. IG@woodtheinspiration, ©woodtheinspiration


Morning Word
When I look into your eyes, I see nothing but the future. I cherish the moments we haven’t even made yet. In a world where everyone loves to hide behind these invisible brick walls, you patiently showed me how to take each one of my bricks down. I don’t even remember which one I fell in love with first, the person you are or the person you made me feel like. At one point, I started to wonder if my past was going to keep me away from you. No I’m not perfect but, after you have failed a few times with other people, you can’t help but wonder if there is something really wrong with you. I’ve learned to be patient in the moment, and how to love every moment with patience. Meeting you not only changed my life, it changed how I felt about life. And for the first time in a long time, I now look forward to tomorrow.