Someone Praying For

Morning Word
You are still the person someone is praying for one day. Being single is not a curse. It’s way better keeping to yourself and being happy than being with someone who doesn’t treasure and value you at all. Those are the worse relationships. It hurts when you keep giving and giving and giving and nothing changes in the other person’s attitude towards you. They make you feel like nothing you do will ever be enough. They make you feel alone and worthless. They might even take it a step further and show other people more love and attention than they do with you. Those type of people are not the ones meant to love you. However, someone who has been praying for you and waiting on you, will make everything that has to do with love a lot more easier. They will never treat you like you are not important. They will never put another person’s smile above yours. They will never make it such a struggle for you two to be happy. They will complement your needs and your effort the same way that you do with them. That’s your teammate. That’s your life partner.

Brand New Day

Morning Word
You have the ability to set the mood of your day with thinking positive thoughts in the morning. You have the ability to achieve whatever it is you want in life by believing in your own greatness. You have the ability to move on with your life by not becoming a prisoner of your past. You have the ability to make a difference in another person’s life even when you feel like you are not at your best. You have the ability to start over and begin a brand new chapter. And lastly, you have the ability to make the rest of your life, the best of your life. IG@woodtheinspiration


Morning Word
Just because you are single, that doesn’t mean that you are not good enough for someone out here. Usually the greater person you are, the harder it is to find someone out here who is special just like you. The fact that you have been single for such a long time, is one of the very reasons why you are special. You are not the kind of person who can just give your love away to anyone. You are not the kind of person who can just invite anyone into your circle of peace and disturb your energy. You are not the kind of person who can just settle down with anyone and be content with that. It takes a special kind of person to wait on someone worth waiting for. It takes a special kind of person to understand that love is a serious commitment to each other, and you want to make sure that you get it right the next time. It takes a special kind of person to not let themselves being alone, drive them into the arms of the wrong person.


Morning Word
The reason why most people are single today is, they understand that they just can’t invite anyone to be a part of their life. Most single people understand the importance of protecting their good energy. Most single people understand the last thing that they need, is someone coming into their life and being a distraction instead of being a blessing. Most single people don’t fear being in a relationship, they just fear being with someone who doesn’t value a relationship like they do. Life is hard. And the last thing a person with a good heart needs, is for someone else to come into their life and make it even more harder. IG@woodtheinspiration

Promise Me

Morning Word
Promise me that you will never forget the power behind your smile. Promise me that you will never let another person make you feel like you are not worthy enough to be loved. Promise me that you will never use your past to punish the new people walking into your life. Promise me that you will forgive those who hurt you so that it doesn’t change the course to your own happiness. Promise me that you will remain open hearted and open minded to new possibilities in the future. Promise me that you will step out of your comfort zone every once in a while and try something new with someone else new. Promise me that you will never completely place all of your happiness in someone else’s hands, and that you will always have complete dominion over your own self worth and value. Promise me that you will always remain patient and that you will never settle for getting less than you deserve. Promise me you will be everything that you demand out of the other person. And finally, promise me that you will give love another chance one day.

Good Relationship

Morning Word
Whoever you decide to be with, just make sure that you are not the only one committed to the relationship. There is nothing more worse than being with someone who doesn’t care about investing in the relationship. So many people out here are stressing themselves out because they are the only one doing things to keep the relationship afloat. And I don’t care how much you love someone, a relationship will never reach its potential if you are the only one doing all of the heavy lifting. When it comes to love, we all were wired to feed off of each other’s energy. You can’t be the only one pouring; effort, care, love, support and encouragement, and continue to let the other person neglect their responsibility of returning reciprocity back to you. Please choose someone who will give you a return on your investment. Love functions better when you both move together like a team.

Good Men

Morning Word
All men are not the same. Every man won’t cheat on you. Every man won’t disrespect you. I know the world wants you to believe that men do not value relationships anymore, but we do. I know the world wants you to believe that we are incapable of giving one woman our all, but we can. I know deep down inside you are afraid of opening up and getting hurt, but guess what? So are we. Ladies, there are still men out here who value love and loyalty. There are still men out here who are patiently waiting to make you a priority. There are still men out here who want to court you and win you over the right way. Some of us still believe in taking care of your soul and your body. Some of us still believe in making you smile more than making you cry. Some of us still understand how much of a blessing it is to have that “one great woman” by our side. Ladies, don’t let this world make you believe that we do not honor you, because we do. Don’t let this world make you believe that we aren’t prepared to love you, because we are. And last but not least, don’t let this world make you believe that good faithful men don’t exist anymore, because we do.

Self Esteem

Morning Word
So many people battle with self esteem problems everyday. So many people think that the cure to getting over their self esteem issues is being loved by someone else. And while another person’s love can help transform us and inspire us to grow into becoming better individuals, it doesn’t have the power to solve every personal problem that we find ourselves running away from. We have to love the skin that we are in. We have to stop making other people responsible for how we “personally” feel about ourselves. Love starts with self. Loving who you are makes it easier for other people to be in love with you. I said this before and I’ll say it again, “how we feel about ourselves, infects itself into our relationships with other people.” A low self esteem will have you dealing with a person that you have no business dealing with. A low self esteem will have you pushing away good people when it comes to love because you can’t even identify what it is on a very basic personal level when it comes to loving yourself. We have to take responsibility for taking care of our emotions first before trying to be in love with other people.


Morning Word
We can go a lot further as a couple if we start looking at each other as teammates in love. We can win together. We can learn together. We can support each other together. We can lift each other up together. We can be each other’s hero together. We can even inspire and motivate each other together. We are not each other’s enemy. We have to get past fighting against each other, so that we can get to the other side of our blessings by working together. Take care of me, I’ll take care of you, and our love for each other will take care of the rest.

Your Past

Morning Word
Stop using your past to gauge whether or not love is coming into your life. Stop looking back if you are really looking forward to having someone special one day. When you look back on your past, you should be looking back with a mindset of learning from your mistakes. You should be looking back remembering that what you have been through, will always aid you towards growing into a better person. Stop feeling like you are cursed or that you have bad luck because you have been through a few bad situations with a few bad people. All of us go through trials. All of us have been through a few things designed to break our spirit, faith and beliefs. However, life always gives us the gift of redemption and the gift of bouncing back. You could be hurting today and end up being happy tomorrow. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Learn to be more proud, patient and positive as great things start to take place in your life.