Good Men

Morning Word
Good men understand that good women may have gone through a lot of pain. We understand that you may have dealt with a man who couldn’t appreciate you. We understand that you may have dealt with a man who couldn’t respect you. We also understand that you may have even dealt with a man who couldn’t remain faithful to you. Good men are the ones who understand all of these things, and still step up to the plate to tear down the negative stereotypes that some of you may have encountered by dealing with other men. We can see all of the pain that you may have gone through, and still not let that overpower how beautiful and how amazing we think you really are. IG@woodtheinspiration

A Man Ready For Love

Morning Word
A Man Ready For Love…
“Already understands that, if she is special, her love won’t come easy. He already knows that he can’t hide behind his strength 24/7. He knows that he will have to eventually be transparent with his feelings and open up so that his relationship with his woman can reach a deeper level of love. He knows that she won’t be perfect. He knows that she will have her own set of flaws just like he will have his own. He knows there may be times when she may be difficult to deal with. He knows there may be times when they don’t see eye to eye on everything. However, his unwavering love for her, will always keep him planted in her life. His protective presence will always give her the reassurance that she can feel safe around him. He understands the importance of pouring positive affirmations into his woman but also knows that she will need space and sunlight to grow in her own direction. He will listen to understand. He will build with her instead of trying to destroy what they have. He will be a friend that she can trust and the kind of man that she needs in her life.” IG@woodtheinspiration


Morning Word
Waiting on true love can be a struggle. You will have days where you’ll know that you are doing what’s right for your heart and for your future but, you will also have days where you feel discouraged because nothing has happened within a reasonable time frame. Next thing you know, you will start to over think a lot. You will start to wonder if love has walked out of your life already. You will start to wonder if you have missed your moment. You will start to wonder if, had you done things differently in the past, would you be in a better position today. You will start thinking about all these things that you can’t do anything about and things that you don’t have any control over and it will start to change your mood and your faith in love in a negative way. Don’t let the fact that a lot of time has passed, push you into the arms of the wrong person. Don’t give up the person you really need in the future, just to settle with someone you really dont need today. Grow patient with love. Exercise more faith in love. Let your stars align so that you and your future mate can eventually cross paths one day.

A Man Ready For Love

Morning Word
A Man Ready For Love…
“Would rather break down your barriers instead of breaking your heart. A man ready for love, is looking for a woman that he can see himself building a serious future with. He will be committed to investing in you and helping you grow. He understands that your love is paramount and he will treat you like you are a priority. When you voice your concerns about the relationship, he will listen to understand instead of listening to reply. He will be your biggest supporter and your best friend. He will make time for you and not just give you the leftover scraps of his day. He will be someone that you can consistently depend on mentally and emotionally. He will try his best to create a heaven on earth for you, so that he can receive the highest level of your love.”

The One

Morning Word
There is nothing more beautiful than waking up and knowing that you finally have who you need for the rest of your life. The peace that comes to your heart sometimes can’t even be described. You’ve been through so many things in the past with other people putting you through storms that, it’s nice to finally have someone who can love you and hold your hand while you both walk through them now. It’s nice to finally have someone that gives you the friendship inside of a relationship. It’s nice to finally have someone who can finish off your sentences or make you laugh when you aren’t feeling your best. It’s nice to finally have not just your partner in love, but your partner in life. Someone you can consult with when you need to make difficult decisions. Someone you can turn to when life isn’t going so well. When you have someone who is willing to walk with you through both the good and the bad without leaving you, that’s when you know you have a special one. There is nothing like having this person in your life.

Love is

Morning Word
I think in the end we all just want someone who truly understands us. Someone who we can share a good joke with and hold deep private conversations with. Someone who we can trust our heart with. A person who we can tell secrets to without being looked at in a different light. Someone who we can have fun with. Someone who can be completely supportive of our dreams no matter how big they may seem. Love is about sharing a bond with each other. Love is about growing and evolving together. Love is about staying committed and supportive of each other through every storm, trial and tribulation. It’s looking at you with eyes of hope even when you feel hopeless some days. It’s rubbing your back and telling you everything will be ok. It’s about being the number one person in your corner that you can always turn to. IG@woodtheinspiration

Being Single

Morning Word
Just because you are single, that doesn’t mean that you are not good enough for someone out here. Usually the greater person you are, the harder it is to find someone out here who is special just like you. The fact that you have been single for such a long time, is one of the very reasons why you are special. You are not the kind of person who can just give your love away to anyone. You are not the kind of person who can just invite anyone into your circle of peace and disturb your energy. You are not the kind of person who can just settle down with anyone and be content with that. It takes a special kind of person to wait on someone worth waiting for. It takes a special kind of person to understand that love is a serious commitment to each other, and you want to make sure that you get it right the next time. It takes a special kind of person to not let themselves being alone, drive them into the arms of the wrong person.

Finding Love

Morning Word
My hope is that when you find love again, I hope that it is everything you ever dreamed about. I hope that you find a love that has the power to tear down the painful walls of your past, so that you both can build a new wall filled with beautiful memories. I hope that you find someone who makes your heart beat faster. I hope that you find someone who you can; trust, communicate and understand on levels that you never established with anyone before. I hope they make you feel safe and protected. I hope they make you laugh, even when you don’t want to. I hope they make you smile, even when you can’t remember how. I hope they help you work through all of your flaws, so that you can grow and evolve in ways you never knew you could. I hope they pour in you and never drain you. I hope they make you shed beautiful tears in the quiet moments like you always see in the movies. I just hope that you find a love that truly makes you happy.

Best Friends

Morning Word
Becoming best friends leads to a deeper love. Becoming best friends is the best thing you can do for any relationship that you truly care about. See, Love doesn’t reach its maximum potential when it’s rushed. And when you are going through the friendship process, this is where you develop a deeper bond with each other. You build on communication. You build on trust. You build on differences. You build on similarities. You build on sharing mistakes you both have made in the past. You build and keep building towards the future. Having someone in your corner like that is priceless. Those are the type of bonds that a healthy relationship should have. Those are the type of bonds that you truly cherish and appreciate when you are at your worst. Those are the type of bonds that are truly worth waiting for.

Having Someone

Morning Word
Having someone whose “love” will never leave, has to be one of the greatest feelings in the world. It’s amazing how someone can see the madness behind your flaws and still want to be a part of your life. The peace you feel never having to worry about your heart getting broken again, can’t be explained. When you have someone who is willing to stay by your side through all of your darkest days, that truly is a blessing. When you can always count on someone’s “love” and know that they will always be there for you, that’s when you know you have someone worth holding on to. When all they want to do is build a life with you and make beautiful memories, that’s when you really know that you have someone special in your life. When you can wake up in the morning and have their presence brighten your day before the sun even comes up, that’s when you really know that you have something special. Hold on to that person. People like that don’t come around often.