Life Will Bless You

Morning Word
Life will bless you in ways that you never thought possible. One minute you could be going through so much hell with someone you tried to make a relationship work with, and then the next minute you could find yourself with someone who understands the importance of showering you with peace, love and support. When you have finally met someone who can be genuinely committed to your growth and happiness, you truly have found someone special. At the end of the day, we all desire one person we can share our day with. We all desire someone we can run to whenever we have good news to share. We all desire having someone in our corner who won’t quit on us as soon as they are exposed to our flaws. We all want someone whose love can be consistently counted on. There is nothing like waking up and knowing that you have someone beside you who is in it with you for the long haul.

You Deserve

Morning Word
You deserve to be in love but more importantly, you deserve to be in it with someone who deserves it just as much as you do. I promise you the other half to your missing piece is still out there. And when you finally come across that person, they will fit into your life easier than anyone you have ever dealt with before. But it also takes time. It takes life time to clear a path so the two of you can finally meet each other. It takes time for your needs and their needs to align so that the two of you can be on the same page with the things you want in your next relationship. And it is always better to wait and get it right, than to rush and get it wrong all over again.

Understanding Love

Morning Word
Part of growing wise and maturing when it comes to love is realizing that, your love will not be understood by everyone. And that’s not to say that you know how to love better than other people because honestly, we all could use improvement in different areas when it comes to love, it’s understanding that you have to be content with how you choose to express and display your love. If you love to express your love verbally, you probably will not be received well by someone who doesn’t listen to understand. If you love to express your love by doing acts of service, you probably will not be received well by someone who doesn’t get fulfillment by doing things for other people. Part of our frustration when it comes to love is, we have a bad habit of choosing to stay in relationships with people who don’t understand us. When love is forced, it doesn’t develop naturally. And when it doesn’t develop naturally, it gets built on a foundation that is doomed to fail. I say all that to say this, make sure you are in a relationship with someone who understands you just as much as they love you.

The One

Morning Word
And then without even realizing it, with no warning at all, you will finally meet the one person that will end up meaning the world to you. Their presence in your life will enhance everything around you. Your attitude will become more pleasant. Your goals and dreams will seem like they are more attainable. They won’t judge you or make you feel unappreciated. It will never be perfect timing but, you both will still manage to fit into each other’s lives perfectly. You both will never have the perfect relationship but, this relationship will feel like it’s the easiest relationship you have ever been in. You will help each other grow. You will encourage each other during the hardest times. You both will keep each other lifted when life wants to keep you both down. You really can’t put a price on having a true companion in your corner to go through life with. The right person will make you feel like a weight has been lifted. They will help you breathe easier.

Getting Hurt

Morning Word
After you have been hurt, it’s pretty much a natural reaction to put up walls so you can keep other people from getting in. It’s like you get to a point where you would rather keep people out than invite people in. It’s not easy opening yourself back up after a failed relationship. The more you think about the past and where you went wrong with other people, the more you continue to stay stagnant which ends up slowing down your healing process. But having said all of that, you won’t get far in life keeping your heart closed for a very long time. You will end up blocking your own blessings because you couldn’t let go of the past. You will end up turning away the most loyal and supportive people in your corner because you are still connected to what someone did to you years ago. Funny thing about life is, the very things that we are scared of, could also end up being the things that lead us straight towards our deliverance. Healing takes time, I understand that. Just don’t allow yourself to become a person who hoards every painful and negative thing that happens to you for the rest of your life. You still have a lot of living to do and a lot of love to give.

Looking In The Wrong Places

Morning Word
Crazy how we’ll stay with the wrong person longer than we should but run away from someone who truly cares like they never even mattered. Why are we so drawn to the pain but so scared to be embraced by the joy? Why are we so hung up on those trying to destroy our love yet so unappreciative to those who just want to cherish it? When did chasing the wrong things become the right way? When did tears of pain start feeling better than having happiness in the soul? You can’t keep looking for love in painful places and then scream that there are no good hearts left. You can’t keep dating the same type of people and expect a different type of outcome every time. Sometimes our luck with love doesn’t change until we change what it is we desire out of it first.

Love Yourself

Morning Word
The healthiest people to love are the people that truly love themselves. When you love who you are, something about your spirit just seems very inviting to other people. It isn’t a facade. It’s not an act that you have to keep up with. When you love who you are, you will walk in love. When you love who you are, you will speak to other people from a place of love. When you love who you are, you will handle another person’s heart from a place of love. When you love who you are, you will spend more time highlighting someone else’s positive traits instead of marking up their negative flaws. When you love who you are, you won’t walk around feeling like other people are beneath you because your heart will be set up and conditioned to see everyone else as your equal. The love you have for yourself should be the standard in terms of how you will love other people. In other words, if you can’t fall in love with yourself and “Stay There”, How do you expect to manage staying in love with someone else?

Draining People

Morning Word
Measure the relationships with the people who are weighing you down. Rid yourself of negative and draining individuals who do not pour positivity and encouragement back into your life. You will be surprised how much you can add to your life with the subtraction of one person. Negative spirits like to find healthy spirited people to leech onto to drain away their positive energy. So, before you classify yourself as depressed, make sure that you do not have depressing people around you.

Empty Cup

Morning Word
When people say, “You need to love yourself before you can love someone else”, what they are trying to say is, “You can’t pour from an empty cup”. Picture how you feel about yourself being in a cup. When you are full with love, joy, compassion, care, self worth, understanding and humility, your cup runs over in a good way and you have important qualities inside of you that you can pour into the next person that you decide to be in a relationship with. However when you; lack loving who you are, when you aren’t proud of yourself or when you don’t feel like yourself 100% you really can’t give too much to someone else in a relationship because you don’t have much to pour from. You would start out doing ok in the beginning of your relationship hiding those things but eventually you would start to wonder why you are feeling sad, or you will start running on fumes. How we feel about ourselves infects itself into our relationships in a positive or negative way. So if you feel incomplete like something inside of you is personally missing, it’s important to tackle that issue before trying to be with someone else.

Being Honest About Flaws

Morning Word
Some of you don’t even fight for relationships anymore. You quit soon as things get hard or when you have to put in some real work. Some of you would rather be with someone who always tells you what you want to hear, instead of being with someone who tells you what you need to hear so that it can help develop you into a better mate. Just because a person loves you, that doesn’t mean that they have to protect your feelings by hiding their own. If you want to be in a relationship that will truly last, you will have to be strong enough to be with someone who has no problem with bringing your flaws, issues or concerns to the table. We get so offended by someone telling us the truth nowadays that, we don’t even know how to go through life without living a lie. The person who loves you the most will not only be honest with you about your flaws but they will have the patience to work with you through them so that it doesn’t hinder the relationship that you both have in the long run. Great relationships are not born overnight, they are developed over the course of time by doing hard work and staying truly committed to the goal which is keeping each other happy.